Galleria dell’Accademia e degli Strumenti Musicali Luigi Cherubini
This Museum houses a valuable collection of musical instruments of Conservatorio di Musica “L. Cherubini” of Florence.
The collection includes 400 european and extraeuropean instruments coming from different collections: Ferdinando de’ Medici, Cosimo III’s father, Lorraine, Luigi Casamorata and Alesandro Kraus. The older core is the collection of Prince Ferdinando: 9 instrument including Antonio Stradivari’s viola tenore and violoncello build for Ferdinando himself.
The viola tenore in the only Stradivari’s instruments that has today the original condiction, it is famous in the whole world. The collection includes one violoncello of Niccolò Amati, Stradivari’s master, one clavicembalo of ebony and a unique instrument, completely build with Carrara marble at the end of XVII century with a dedication to Gran Duke Cosimo III.