Galleria Palatina, Appartamenti Reali di Palazzo Pitti
Palazzo Pitti was the residence of fiorentine family Pitti. It was build around the half of 15th century, on the hill of Boboli, it was planned by Brunelleschi.
A century later Medici’s power was stronger and the palazzo was purchased by Cosimo de’ Medici, it became the new site of the Medici court. Bartolomeo Ammannati began work on enlarging the building and the garden. Brunelleschi’s work became more majestic: behind it was realized a square courtyard, with two wigs including family’s rooms and closed by statues and fountain. Work continued with the addition of fountains, statues, plants. Rooms were arranged by hierarchic order with decorations, paintings, wonderful collections: Pietro da Cortona painted the noble floor. The next room was awarded by Volterrano with gold and white plaster and rich cornici as Baroque style.
In the room of “principi forstieri” were some of the most ancient paintings of 16th century and Ferdinando de’ Medici collected in his rooms his paintings collection.
The Galleria Palatina was created by the Lorraine turning what had once been the private quarters of the Medici dukes and duchesses into reception rooms. The current installation follows no systematic criteria, it is organized strictly according to decorative considerations: the paintings are hung in cunning patterns, chiefly meant to enhance the lovely carved gilt frames. This gallery includes works of italian, flemish, french, english artist of 16th and 17th century and ther is a remarkable core collection of works by Raffaello and Caravaggio. When the power shifted to Lorraine family the life in the residence and his structure changed deeply.
Appartamenti Reali
When florence was capital of Itay these apartements became the official residence of the king, Vittorio Emanuele II. They consist of a series of magnificently furnished and decorated rooms. The current appearance of these rooms, which were recently restore, dates from the renovation done by Umberto I and Margherita di Savoia: royal rooms became 14, with silk tapestry, and each rooms take name by the colour.
Furniture has not a precise style: there are objects in Baroque style, with table in Neoclassical style. The beauty of the residence is extraordinary.
Museo delle Carrozze
This museum of carriages is being readied on the ground floor of the left roundabout of Palazzo Pitti. It is one of the largest collection of carriages in Italy. It is very beautiful the “Carrozza d’oro” belonged to Gran Duke, a silver carriage and a sedan chair. One can admire seven carriages, two sedan chair and one litter.