Europe Archive

Cappella Brancacci

Brancacci Chapel is located in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine, it is considered one of the most important masterpieces in the history of painting, with excellent works of Masolino, Masaccio and Filippo Lippi. A recent restoration has shown a close collaboration between Masolino and Masaccio whose created a strong unity in the decorative cycle. (more…)

Fondazione Romano nel Cenacolo di Santo Spirito

The museum of Santo Spirito is placed in the ancient Cenacolo del Convento. It belong from 1868 to comune of Florence and it is considered one of the most important artistic and religious muesum of the city. (more…)

Museo Alberto della Ragione

The name of this museum derived from a genovese maecenans who in 1960 gave to Comune of Florence a fascinatine collection of works of art. 250 works which illustrate the development of italian art from Futurism to sixty’s. (more…)

Museo e chiostri Monumentali di Santa Maria Novella

This is a very beautiful and picturesque dominican convent, property of the comune since 1868. The Chiostro is very impressive, completely frescoed with scenes from the Old Testament, two of them of Paolo Uccello Diluvio Universale and Ebbrezza di Noè.

Andrea Bonaiuti’s works celebrate the fight of dominican for human salvation in the allegory Church militante e trionfante. The museum stands in the Ubriachi Chapel and in the ancient Refettorio since 1983, it is a very beautiful collection of sacred art, with embroider and ligneous sculptures.

Museo Marino Marini

Marino Marini is the name of the founder of the museum. He donated many works to Comune di Firenze, which situated the museum in the deconsecrated Church of San Pancrazio. It contains twohundred works of contemporary art, arranged on different levels. Every level has sculpture, bronzes and works in cement, while on different level one finds, pictures, drawing, plaster and painting.

The entire preparation of the museum, from lighting to materials, was choosen by Marini who gave a rare effect of armony between works and the external structure.

Museo Storico Topografico “Firenze Com’era”

The Museum was created to offer a rich visual history of how Florence changed from the Renaissance to the end of the XIX century. Through paintings, prints and models is described Florence, very famous is “Pianta della Catena” (1470) and “Pianta Topografica” the first one drawn scientifically in 1594. The twelve famous Lunettes present an important overview of the Medici villas in the late XVI century. The XVIII century is documented by Zocchi in his fine Vedute, and the XIX century section are the pictures of the Mercato Vecchio (Old Market) and the Jewish Ghetto before the demolition.

The last section illustrates the development of the Florentine area from the first settlements to the Roman era.


The Church was dedicated to San Salvatore and founded in 1256 by the order of the Umiliati. They dedicated their lives not only to praise the Lord but also to dyeing of clothes. In the Middle Age there was a convent that today it is diveded by a barraks. (more…)

San Felice

This Church was build in 1078 and dedicated to a martyr of the III century a.c., a disciple of the bishop of Nola. The Church was remodelled in the two centuries that followed. (more…)

Santa Felicita

This church is very close to Ponte Vecchio but more ancient of it. The first news about it are dated in 420. Before in this area there was a cemetery and the church has today some sepulchral features. In 16th century it was linked to Corridoio Vasariano that linked Palazzo Pitti to Uffizi and Santa Felicita became the Church of Medici. They assisted to Mass from higher so nobody could seee them. (more…)

Santi Apostoli

It was erected before 1000, this Church is located in Piazza del Limbo, where there was a cimitery for child buried before being baptized. The Church is in Romanesque style, on the façade note the symbol of Altoviti, enemies of Medici. The interior has three naves with columns of green marble. (more…)