
The Church was dedicated to San Salvatore and founded in 1256 by the order of the Umiliati. They dedicated their lives not only to praise the Lord but also to dyeing of clothes. In the Middle Age there was a convent that today it is diveded by a barraks.

The Umiliati built a large Cloister and in 1627 the Church was restored by Sebastiano Pettirossi da Fiesole and Matteo Rigetti. The building has a transept and sigle nave trips, on the sides of the portal there are two big niches. On the facade it is a symbol of Medici and on the right the slender bell tower. In the nave there are little altars, the second on the right is dedicated to Vespucci family that a large amount of money to build the church. Over this altar it is a fresco that represent the “Madonna della Misericordia” while protects Vespucci family.

In the painting the head of a young man seems the famous navigator Amerigo. On the right of the transept there is Botticelli’s tomb; in the Chapel in the lefttransept next to the Sacristy is the monk’s habit reputedly worn by St Francis.

The main altar is built in marble and stone it is great and sumotuous as the presbytery decirated with frescos, marble and plaster. On the left of presbytery there is the Sacresty with a great painted wooden Crucifix, scoohl of Giotto. On the right leaving the Church you find the arcaded Cloister, from the right corner of the Cloister we reach the old refectory of the monastery with Last Supper by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The frescos of St Jerome are in the Church. The Church of Ognissanti was hardly hurted by the flood of 1966.